DigitalHR recruitment agency
We find candidates in IT and Digital
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10 years
1 440 of filled vacancies
60 thousand resumes being viewed every year
Close the job on average 30 days
“DigitalHR was founded in 2011. We specialise in digital and IT and our mission is to help great companies hire great people. We focus on finding those who care about their work and strive to become the best. We have been part of the growth of companies through our professionalism and focus on finding experienced and motivated candidates, so we understand how crucial that is for you. Over the years we have helped many companies through our emphasis on finding technically gifted individuals with interpersonal skills to boot.”
Ekaterina Gavrilova,
Founder of recruitment Agency DigitalHR
Founder of recruitment Agency DigitalHR
Added: 19/12/2019
Ekaterina Gavrilova from DigitalHR recruitment agency gives tips on how to react if a recruiter reaches out to you offering a job.
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